Regular furnace maintenance, in the form of tune-ups, is crucial to keep your heating system operating efficiently, safely and reliably. Here are five reasons Washington Gas recommends furnace tune-ups for your home:

1.    Reduced Energy Costs: A well-tuned furnace operates more efficiently, which can mean lower energy consumption and reduced heating costs.

2.    Improved Safety: A malfunctioning furnace can pose serious risks such as carbon monoxide leaks or fire hazards. Regular tune-ups help identify and address safety concerns promptly.

3.    Prolonged Lifespan: Furnaces that receive regular maintenance tend to last longer than neglected ones. You can help extend the life of your furnace by addressing minor issues early.

4.    Improved Performance: A thorough tune-up ensures correct temperature output and keeps your furnace running efficiently throughout the cold-weather months.

5.    Early Detection of Equipment Issues: Technicians can spot potential problems during a tune-up, preventing costly breakdowns and unexpected repairs.


If you haven’t yet scheduled your tune-up, be sure to watch out for these common signs that your furnace may need swift attention:

  • Uneven Heating: If some rooms are significantly warmer or colder than others, it could indicate an issue with your furnace’s heat distribution system.
  • Increased Energy Bills: Sudden spikes in energy bills without changes in usage may signal furnace inefficiency.
  • Strange Noises: Unusual sounds from your furnace may suggest mechanical problems.
  • Frequent Cycling: Excessive on-off cycles can lead to wear and tear.


If you think your furnace could benefit from a tune-up, remember that Washington Gas can help offset the cost with a $100 rebate. Find a participating contractor that offers tune-ups by visiting the Maryland Washington Gas home heating rebates page. Your contractor will conduct the tune-up following our home heating tune-up checklist and submit the rebate application for you.

Remember, regular maintenance not only keeps your furnace running smoothly but also ensures a warm and relaxing winter.