Save $100 on a Furnace or Boiler Tune-Up

Just like your car needs regular maintenance, so do your heating and air conditioning systems. Washington Gas offers a $100 home heating tune-up service rebate to help your furnace or boiler heating system run more efficiently and last longer. Consider having a professional check the health of your natural gas furnace or boiler to ensure your system is operating safely and efficiently.

Rebates on Home Heating Tune-Up Services

Eligible EquipmentItem & Efficiency RequirementRebate

Boiler Tune-Up

Provided by Home Energy Savings Contractor


Furnace Tune-Up

Provided by Home Energy Savings Contractor


*Natural gas furnaces and boilers are eligible for tune-up rebates once every three years.

Let’s Get Started


Find a participating contractor who offers the home heating tune-up rebate in our Home Energy Savings Network.


Have your participating contractor perform your home heating tune-up. Your contractor will complete the Washington Gas Home Heating Tune-Up Checklist.


Your contractor will submit a rebate application for you. You’ll get your rebate on the contractor invoice or receive a check in the mail within six to eight weeks.


Find Contractor

Energy Assistance

If you’ve fallen behind on your energy bills, we may be able to help. We offer energy assistance to help residential income-qualified customers manage their bill.